Dave’s Diary - 16th Blog

A productive week just gone:

Ebay UK:

Preparations to talk to Ebay about integrating Davidgrigor.com and Blindcreate.com are underway. This should open up the vast worldwide market place on offer, and Ebay’s business advice free. This is because Ebay Uk have gone into a partnership with Unltd UK to help entrepreneurs like myself to gain the best selling potential. So I’m due to talk to Ebay’s team on Wednesday and I hope to develop and change the website with an Ebay link.

I’m now discussing articles for 2 further ability magazines in the UK, both reaching audiences throughout the UK and whom have a very large number of readers.

Some of my blogs are going to include ideas for anyone who would like to start painting for the first time. Also we are now starting to approach Christmas time, with 5 weekends to go.

The painting I’ve used for this blog, is one of two which is a playful acrylic of wild animals. I like this image which has a child like quality to it.

Further developments are due next week, so keep watching this space.


Dave’s Diary - 15th Blog

