Dave’s Diary - 22nd Blog 2022

For anyone reading my blog’s you may have notice a week has been missed out which was the weekend of the 8th and 9th. Due to un foreseen circumstances I wasn’t able to do a blog.

I can say that Ability Needs Magazine (the 2nd Magazine) to feature Blind Create in 2 months came out in early January and has featured a fantastic article in their quarterly edition thus for the next 3 months. The article can be viewed in the news section.

On Friday last week, in the first art session of 2022, Robbie the robot was started by Jemima, and in robot style dance mode, I took Jemima through the process of drawing out and painting a dancing robot within she and her dad (Lloyd) thoroughly enjoyed. I had a robot toy with me, and dressed up in a cycle helmet and silver face paint. It was a a great session to start the year with. The painting is unfinished, but we’re hoping to complete it this week.

So what aspirations do I have for this year, given this will the first full year for Blind Create?

I have high hopes and would like Blind Create to become known as the recommended art service by recognised charities and the media.

It would be great to grow Blind Create into a thriving community of clients and partners.

I envisage beginning subscriptions for clients and developing the website to take on a more efficient booking system and to hopefully begin recruiting.

Could this happen this year? I hope to be a steps closer to these goals.

I have more goals as well, and as time progresses, I’ll talk about these soon: such as making a unique video to capture the importance and popularity of Blind Create.

Watch this space for the next update.


Ability Needs Magazine article Blind Create


Dave’s Diary - 23rd Blog 2022