Dave’s Blog: ‘Finding our Feet’.

‘Finding our Feet’

Blind Create is ‘Finding our Feet’ after having now joined Disability Arts Online (DAO) last week and writing Blogs to describe the progress and development of this unique venture. I’ve actually delighted that I’m part of this organisation so I joined joined the Directory on DAO too, which opens up further opportunities. So please follow Blind Create on DAO on their website and Facebook which I’ve also joined and begin walking with me to create a better world for those with a disability and for any one else as well.

My Blog for DAO:

Just as starting a painting or art work, the process of finding the feet is an ongoing process, of knowing what you want to compose then working through each step to create your artwork or musical piece. I’ve regarded Blind Create in the same way, just as when painting or creating any artwork the composition often changes and parts of an image develops in ways unexpected. The same is said for almost any creative process. For me as someone who has always struggled with writing and composing essays, the thought of composing Blogs was quite a challenge for me, but my focus is my venture, that’s attached to my own art website, an I feel this is a step in the right direction. The challenge is to create a vision of hope for people who want to paint but don’t know how to. To do this my venture aims to show the ‘steps’ to help self confidence. So it’s about ‘finding our feet’ and knowing that when we start an art work we usually find it can take small steps of change to achieve our goals.


Building the foundations


Dave’s Blog: Paint your vision with Blind Create