

Valentine’s project:

Using acrylic paint for the background, heart shapes, feathers, paper, and corrugated card.

Video of how to make the Valentine poster/card.

Step 1:

paint flower petals throughout the image, using yellow, orange and white with a hint of blue.

Step 2:

Cut out 2 love heart shapes from red paper or card and stick onto surface on top left and bottom right

Step 4:

Place 2 feathers in the other heart and a bow

Step 3:

Take 4 colour feathers and place 2 in one heart for the butterflies antennas.

Step 5:

Take 2 colour paper squares and fold in quarters. cut a round shape and unfold, stick one on top of the other to make a flower. Put a red circle on top to finish.

Step 6 Complete the piece, using a dab of paint in the flowers or a round piece of red card or paper.

This is the piece made during the session using pipe cleaners as well.

Artist - Helen Johnston.

Artist - Helen Johnston.

Artist - Helen Johnston

Helen made this super Valentines poster over 2 sessions using acrylic paint, paper/card, corrugated card, feathers and glue.


Underwater scene


Abstract of forest in Jan (After Mondrian theme)