Dave’s Diary - 23rd Blog 2022

Roddy the Robot by Jemima:

Roddy the Robot takes centre stage. This week he was completed along with micro chips, spanners and buts and bolts. A wonderful painting from Jemima, as she enjoyed painting all the features of the robot assisted form her dad. Please visit the Grigor Gallery with client work and find out for yourselves how good the sessions are.

Accessibility widget:

Blind Create is now developing well, but I am now considering adding a widget that would increase accessibility. Squarespace has accessibility all built in, which is why my site is built on this, but there are always developments that can be made. This widget would allow any user to decide between further accessibility or not. If the user chooses, they have several options which increase the lighting, contrasts and other visuals which assist those with sensory issues.


Other developments are also taking shape with the advancements with Masis UK, and Peter Lyne’s place on the Management Team for the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice in Health and Social Care, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. There are opportunities ahead now for blind Create to be included in Webinars that are planned this year by the Collaboration Centre. This would be a fantastic opportunity to talk about the benefits of Blind Create. The Collaborating Centre also prides itself on communicating and networking with other high profile universities in the UK (including Cambridge). You will see the Cambridge University Press logo displayed on the home page of its website. It is also important to realise that Oxford University is the world's premier ranked university and (as you will see if you access the partners page of its website), the Collaborating Centre has many international associates. These are mostly from the academic, medical/scientific research and healthcare sectors.

Blind Create is part of the collaboration with Masis and the Collaboration Centre.

With this considered, Blind Create is being recognised as an important part of art as a therapy.


Dave’s Diary - 22nd Blog 2022


Dave Diary - 25th Blog 2022