The Artist Gallery

For showcasing Your Artwork from the online art classes.

Pamis online art group (Promoting a more inclusive society)

Pamis online art group (Promoting a more inclusive society)

Online Art sessions are for all and the projects made are shown below.

My work with charity PAMIS (promoting a more inclusive society) online art group is every week since September 2022.

This group has been together for sometime now on Mondays so it’s a delight to be developing the art sessions for the foreseeable future.

This group of talented artists came together during the pandemic and have continued to grow and develop their talents.

They all have profound and multiple learning disabilities.

In session featured here wearing a straw hat as I wear a different hat every week..

The projects featured below are all those made with all clients so far since inception of Blind Create.

Your Art projects so far > > >

Your Art projects so far > > >

For World Toilet Day on 19 Nov 2023

For World Toilet Day on 19 Nov 2023

World Toilet Day ideas: Using collage, pastels and acrylic paint.