Artist - Penny T.

Artist - Penny T.


Penny’s used to have a Bay horse that was named ‘Chatty’.

Chatty was a rescue horse and is pictured here by a tree next to a field and forest.

This is the first step in the process of painting this portrait.

Chatty featured here:

Artist - Penny T.

Artist - Penny T.

Penny first drew the composition out using pencil.

She then painted the whole surface orange and let this dry.

She then started building up the landscape with various colours until completion.

Land’s End:

Penny painted Land’s End using acrylic over a block of 3 sessions.

Artist - Penny.

Artist - Penny.

Below : landscape examples by David for Penny during her session:

Artist - Penny T.

Penny, a new client just joined in July ‘24, is 80 years old and has severe visually impaired eyesight.

She thoroughly enjoyed her first session and is keen to continue after booking a block session starting next week.

She loves to draw people, animals, character of buildings and seascapes. She likes to work with pencil, pastels both oil and chalk.

Penny is now looking forward to working in acrylics.

Penny worked with oil pastels on white paper for 1 session and made these drawings:


Butterfly drawing made by Penny at home in-between sessions.

Penny made this image after trying the oil pastels and was inspired by the contrasts.

A beautiful image with freedom of expression, especially considering Penny’s very limited vision.


Bumblebee drawing made by Penny using oil pastel.

Drawn in between the last 2 sessions as her enthusiasm to try oil pastels is simply buzzing!


Penny’s acrylic painting of a crab

Painted in between sessions. Good use of 3 colours combined to make this crustacean quite dramatic.


Penny's acrylic painting of a seagull.

Painted between sessions.


Penny’s acrylic painting of an octopus.

She’s hoping to add a coral reef in the background to give the scene context.

Penny’s parrot:

Drawn with pencil then coloured using felt pen

Harbour landscape.

Harbour landscape.

Penny’s coastal landscape:

The start of the harbour scene using pencil, and watercolour.

This is the harbour scene of St.Ives harbour in Cornwall, the artists haven and fishing village.

The 1st session in a block of 3.

Result after the the 1st session.

Latest development of this project after 2 sessions and a few additions for homework:

2nd session:

Penny is still working on her St.Ives painting, and will update soon with the latest.

3rd: session:

The harbour scene just needs a few details and make this image complete.


Artist - Helen Johnston