Space Rabbit Neil!
Named after Neil Armstrong - the first man on the moon
He said ‘One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’.
He was a NASA astronaut who went up in Apollo 11 that landed on the Moon in 1969.
Space Rabbit Neil
by Jemima
Jemima started by drawing a space helmet from the right side of the paper. Jemima then took silver foil cut into small pieces and used PVA glue to make the helmet shape. We used blue paint for the background to make it look like a Doctor Who sci - fi tunnel.
Then we added orange paint to the astronaut helmet. and the ears were painted yellow.
She went on to add black tissue paper collage for the the helmet visor and painted the rest of the painting with assistance from her dad.
As you can see this painting is ‘‘Out of this world’’
This is Space Rabbit Neil ‘‘ on his EVA (extra vehicular activity) or EBA walk (extra bunnicular activity)!
Like the joke here?
Space Bunny
by David
David showed how to draw out the astronaut helmet so that it was quite large on the paper, and on an angle. We firstly put silver foil on in small pieces with PVA because this is a better glue for sticking silver foil. Then we added paint for the rest of the helmet and the background using bflat brushes then fingers.
We used black tissue paper which Jemima had available to use for the visa. then Jemima chose colours for other parts of the painting as we built it up steadily.
Below show where we got up to after the first session on Neil the Space rabbit.
Space rabbit Neil.
Jemima’s painting after the 1st session
Example by David
After 1st session.